Fazl Mosque

  • England  | 
  • London
16 Gressenhall Road Southfields London SW18 5QL

Responsible Imam & Theologian

About the Mosque

London was the destination of the first overseas missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The first missionary arrived in 1913 and ever since, our London Centre has played a crucial role in promoting the true peaceful message of Islam in the UK and the world over.

When the need for a Mosque became evident, the second successor to the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (as), instructed the then missionary to buy a house with land where a Mosque could be built.

In August 1920, a one-acre site in Southfields, South-West London was purchased.

The foundation stone of the Mosque was laid by the second successor of the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (as), Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra), in October 1924.

The construction of the Mosque started in September 1925 and ten months later the work was completed. The Mosque accommodates 150 worshippers and was named the ‘Fazl Mosque’ by Hadrat Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra)- ‘Fazl’ meaning Grace.

The Mosque was formally opened in October 1926. Six hundred distinguished guests who were representing numerous countries, as well as local MPs and other dignitaries attended the ceremony and the function was well reported in the press.

Today, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association has centres throughout the United Kingdom with its members coming from all walks of British life. The Community’s principle of ‘Love for All, Hatred for None’ can be seen in the daily lives of its members.

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