Khilafat Day

Due to Covid-19 restrictions this event may be subject to changes as outlined by UK Government rules and replaced with virtual options where applicable. Please contact your local Jamaat for further information. The health and safety of our guests is paramount and we did not wish to take any risks in this regard. 

The 27 May 1908 heralded the start of the Second Manifestation of God’s blessings as the institution of Khilafat was re-established in Islam. After the passing of the Promised Messiah(as) fear and panic had gripped the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. But with the establishment of Khilafat peace, comfort and contentment was restored. This was why Ahmadi Muslims celebrated 27 May as ‘Khilafat Day’ each year.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions this event may be held virtually.  Your Local Jamaat Sadr will contact you with more information nearer the time  


May 27 2021


All Day
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