Online Classes
The online classes are now managed under Noor Academy. The Noor Academy provides moral, religious, and contemporary education to Ahmadi children between the ages of 7-18. Our objective is to equip our children with grassroots knowledge in education so that they have a solid foundation to build on and become confident Ahmadi Muslims.
At the present time we have Ta’lim, Tarbiyyat and Waqfe Nau classes and in the near future further courses will be opened for Tabligh, Arabic and others.
Please visit for registration and more details.
Quran Classes
The Quran classes for different levels are also being held online regularly and managed by International Talimul-Qur’an Academy (ITQA).
The International Talimul-Qur’an Academy provides multilingual courses for all group ages to learn. Whether you are a beginner or on an advanced level, you may find a suitable course, to learn and improve your recitation and understanding of the Holy Qur’an. Furthermore, ITQA will be taking exams after which every Student has the great opportunity to advance in further levels.
Please visit for more details how to register for these classes.
Student Guidance for Learning Online
Please download and read through the guidance before joining the class. You can download the student guidance by clicking on the buttons below.