Euthanasia Featured IslamIs Mercy Killing Allowed in Islam?Admin28 November 202026 February 2021 28 November 202026 February 2021349 A short video explaining the concept of taking one’s own life through the eyes of His Holiness Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, Mirza Masroor Ahmad (May...
Apostasy Death Featured IslamDoes Allah Hate and Prescribe the Death Penalty for Those Who Renounce Islam?Admin28 November 202017 February 2021 28 November 202017 February 2021196 A short video showing how Islam never prescribed death or punishment for anyone who renounces Islam. It also categorically states how The Holy Prophet (saw)...
Featured Islam PeaceIs Islam a Religion of PeaceAdmin28 November 202026 February 2021 28 November 202026 February 2021223 A short video showing how Islam is a Religion of Peace by Nisar Orchard. View how Islam has always promoted and stated peace is what...