Covid-19 Vaccination at Baitul Futuh

(Adapted from a report by Regional Amir Nasim Jamal)

A Covid-19 Vaccination Day was organised by the Jama’at for the benefit of local members in the London Borough of Merton on Friday 26th February 2021.

Despite the very short notice in which this was organised, by the grace and mercy of Allah, the day proved to be a success with over one thousand members successfully vaccinated and with the possibility of further similar events to be organised, both at Baitul Futuh and elsewhere.

Prior to the event, a request for prayers was made to Huzoor Aqdas by Dr Maqbool Sani while Mr Naseer Dean, UK Naib Amir, asked everyone to pray for the success of the event and to offer sadqa.  Also, because of the strict eligibility criteria of who may be vaccinated, there was concern that too many non-eligible members may register and subsequently have to be turned away. 

Khuddam from the surrounding regions were on hand to prepare the Tahir Hall the day before, in readiness for the day as well as helping out with parking, crowd management, and catering.

The day started early at 8 am with 12 NHS staff members arriving with the vaccines.  They were welcomed by Dr Sani and were served with breakfast. Mr Nisar Orchard, UK Tarbiyat Secretary, started the session with a collective silent prayer.  The vaccination process continued throughout the day and finished at 7.30 pm, with short breaks for lunch and Friday Prayers.  By the end of the day, 1,013 members received the vaccination, Alhamdolillah.  The breakdown of the figures is as follows:

Local Jama’at16774203  444
Front Line Workers18136523  569

A few members who did not meet the eligibility criteria were not vaccinated.  Some of our Jama’at’s doctors also assisted with the programme.  They were Dr Abdul Zakariya, Dr Khuram Butt, Dr Sadia Ayaz and Dr Fauzia Zafar.  Five local Presidents were present with a number of additional volunteers in the Tahir Hall to help Dr Maqbool Sani with the administration and other tasks.  Khuddam volunteers were provided by three regions, namely Baitul Futuh, Baitul Ehsan and Sharif Regions.

A media team from NHS Merton accompanied the medical staff to record the day’s event and conducted interviews with various members.

UK Amir Mr Rafiq Ahmed Hayat expressed his gratitude to all the volunteers and NHS staff.  At the end of the day he presented the NHS staff with gifts and fruit baskets.

Dr Sani is in early discussion with the NHS to arrange another session and cover other London areas as well as to expand the eligibility criteria so that more members can be vaccinated.

The NHS staff were very impressed with the organisation and the hospitality.  Mr Mahmood Rafiq from UK Umoore Kharija coordinated the NHS media team and their reactions afterwards.  A team from BOL Network, a media conglomerate based in Karachi, and a Pakistani TV station also attended and conducted interviews with Dr Sani and some members who received the vaccination.  A tweet from the Ahmadiyya UK Twitter account gained good traction. 

Elizabeth Thompson from NHS Merton Media team said:

“This was an amazing effort, particularly knowing how quickly you pulled it together and the organization was great.  We were very thankful for the volunteers who supported in the background from your community.”

Clair Coutts NHS Social Media team said:” This is my first time in a Mosque and I was amazed how well organized you were as well as the hospitality that was offered. It was a nice surprise to get the gift as well. “